Award-Winning music Composing for Marvel, now leveling up Bands & Record Producers

Avoid the Uncanny Valley of Music

Avoiding the Musical Uncanny Valleywhat exactly is that? It’s a common unsettling feeling people experience when audio/visual simulations closely resemble humans in many respects but are not quite convincingly realistic. This is the metaphorical expiration date on the timelessness of your music. One of the main objectives we should be aiming for is to make our music timeless, unforgettable, and the highest quality we can.

Do you remember your first time seeing CGI in a movie or on television?

The Mummy Returns (2001)

the #1 example of “fake”

Have you revisited that same film or show recently, and noticed anything funny? CGI is an incredibly powerful artform that is so beyond the comprehension of someone like me. I have a huge amount of respect for CGI artists. But most CGI artists will tell you that their job is to make their artform as realistic as possible, and for as far into the future as they can. It needs to be believable.

it’s important that you hire an expert composer for orchestra and/or synths

How do you avoid the Uncanny Valley of music on your own?

How to Completely Avoid the Musical Uncanny Valley

  1. Hire someone like me. I do all of that, and I have a team of people who work with me.

Check out my Band & Record Producer Composing Reel

Benefits of working with a composer who has been involved in the band world for 20 years, but works in film/series/video games/trailers: